Ableton Live 10 Key Commands

Mastering the keyboard shortcuts for Ableton Live is an essential skill to make your writing and production sessions more fluid, maintaining creative flow and more effortlessly executing your ideas as they come to mind (and to hand).

For beginners, this list and PDF is also a great resource to learn key features of Ableton Live.
For advanced producers, we’d added in bold the new shortcuts added in Live 10.

Keyboard Shortcuts, Trackpad and Zooming updates in 10.1. Live Versions: 10.1 and higher; Operating System: All; To use any keyboard shortcuts in Live, the Computer MIDI keyboard must be switched off. Pressing the 'H' key in Arrangement View will equally distribute your. Ableton Live 10 Shortcuts – Keyboard Wizardry. These Ableton Live 10 shortcuts are awesome for multiple reasons – First of all, they save you from having to point and click and take less than a second to push. Secondly, they stop you from losing valuable time and energy to edit your sounds and switch between different views in the DAW.

Age of empires 2 definitive edition queue chapter 2. Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition celebrates the 20th anniversary of one of the most popular strategy games ever with stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics, a new and fully remastered soundtrack, and brand-new content, “The Last Khans” with 3 new campaigns and 4 new civilizations. The Enhanced Graphics Pack increases Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition to ultra-high fidelity resolution. Before you attempt to install, please make sure that your system requirements meet or exceed the minimum specs for this content. Description Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition celebrates the 20th anniversary of one of the most popular strategy games ever with stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics, a new and fully remastered soundtrack, and brand-new content, “The Last Khans” with 3 new campaigns and 4 new civilizations.


Ableton Live 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Bold = new or updated in Live 10


tabtabToggle Session/Arrangement view
⇧ tab⇧ tabToggle Device/Clip view


(Remember it: ‘SLIMBORG’)
⌘⌥ LCTRL-ALT-LLower section (aka Detail View)
⌘⌥ ICTRL-ALT-IInput/output routing panel
⌘⌥ BCTRL-ALT-BBrowser
⌘⌥ O CTRL-ALT-OOverview
⌘⌥ RCTRL-ALT-RReturns
⌘⌥ GCTRL-ALT-GGroove Pool


⇧⌘W ⇧CTRL-WLaunch a second window
⌘⌥ PCTRL-ALT-PPlug-in window (for non-Ableton plug-ins) – hides/shows selected device
⌘⌥ VCTRL-ALT-VVideo window (there must be a video on arrangement view timeline first)


⌘ F CTRL-FSearch in browser
Preview selected browser item
EscEscStop previewing selected browser item
ReturnReturnLoad selected browser item onto track
QQHot swap the selected device (when device is on a track). Hit Q again after loading
1,2,3…71,2,3…7Assign colour to selected browser item (adds item to a “collection”)
00Remove all colours from selected browser item (removes item from all “collections”)


Fn ← HomeMove insert marker to beginning of arrangement timeline
SpaceSpacePlay (from start, or from insert marker, or from start of selection)
SpaceALT-SpacePlay selected time only, then pause
⌘⇧ FCTRL⇧ FScroll display to follow playback
F9F9Record to arrangement
F10F10Back to arrangement


++Zoom in
Zoom out
ZZZoom to selected clip/time
⇧ Z⇧ ZZoom out from selected clip/time. Do this again to zoom all the way out
⌥ scrollALT-scrollZoom height of selected track (arrangement view)
SSFold height of all tracks (arrangement view)


Remember it: BRAS ZOMQ
BBToggle draw mode (for programming within MIDI Clips or drawing automation)
RRReverse selected audio – in arrangement view only
AAAutomation (hide / show) – in arrangement view only
SSFold height of all tracks (arrangement view)
ZZZoom to selected clip/time (then ⇧ Z to zoom out) in arrangement view or detail view
0 (zero)0 (zero)Deactivate (clips, tracks, devices, & notes)
MMToggle computer MIDI keyboard
QQHot swap the selected device (when device is on a track). Then arrows, Return, Q


⌘ M CTRL-MMIDI map mode – assign a MIDI controller to any purple-shaded parameter
⌘ K CTRL-KKey map mode – assign a QWERTY key to any orange-shaded parameter


⌘ TCTRL-TInsert new audio track
⌘⇧ TCTRL⇧ TInsert new MIDI track
⌘ ICTRL-IInsert new scene (in session view)
⌘⌥ TCTRL-ALT-TInsert new return track
d-clickd-clickCreate new MIDI clip (in session view clip slot or on arrangement view timeline)
⌘⇧ ICTRL-ALT-I“Capture and Insert scene” Creates new scene from currently playing clips
⌘⇧ CCTRL⇧ CCapture MIDI (if you forgot to hit record while jamming)
⌘⇧ SCTRL⇧ SSave Live Set As… (new name and / or version number)
⌘⇧ RCTRL⇧ RExport your song or selection. Choose to export as audio file, mp3 and / or video


← →← →Move selected clip left/right
⇧ ←→⇧ ←→Nudge selected clip left/right
Hold Hold CTRLFiner resolution when dragging clips
RRReverse selected audio
Hold shift and drag the edge of a warped audio clip to stretch it


⌘⇧ delCTRL⇧ delDelete time
⌘⇧ VCTRL⇧ VPaste time
⌘⇧ XCTRL⇧ VCut time
⌘ ICTRL-IInsert silence
⌘ JCTRL-JConsolidate selection into clip
⌘ ECTRL-ESplit clip at selection
⌘⇧ DCTRL⇧ DInsert duplicated time
⌘ LCTRL-LLoop the current timeline selection


deldelReturn value to default (on selected parameter). Double-clicking also works
Hold ⇧Hold ⇧While moving parameters, moves in finer increments
r-clickr-clickShow automation or Show modulation


AAToggle automation mode
BBDraw stepped automation
Hold Hold altCurve the automation
⌘ delCTRL-delDelete automation (on automated parameter)
Hold ⇧Hold ⇧For finer increments
Hold ⇧Hold ⇧To restrict automation movements to either horizontal or vertical
Hold ⌘Hold CTRLWhen drawing: freehand lines | When moving: overrides grid snapping


⌘ GCTRL-GTracks: Group selected tracks | Devices: Create rack from selected device/s
Tracks: Hide grouped tracks | Devices: Collapse device
++Tracks: Unfold grouped tracks | Devices: Expand device if collapsed


BBDraw mode
⌘ UCTRL-UQuantize
⌘⇧ UCTRL⇧ UQuantize settings
←→←→Move selected notes left/right/up/down
Transpose MIDI notes up / down in octaves
←→CTRL ←→Nudge MIDI notes
←→←→Lengthen / Shorten MIDI note
⌘⇧ DCTRL⇧ D Insert duplicated time


MMToggle computer MIDI keyboard
A to LA to LThis row triggers white notes from C (the A key).
W to OW to OThis row triggers black notes from C# (the W key). Actual keys are: WE – TYU – O
ZZOctave down
XXOctave up
CCDecrease note velocity
VVIncrease note velocity
A long time Cubase user, I learnt Ableton Live about 15 years ago specifically for live show production that lasted a few years. I've recently installed LIve 10 to make certain warping-type work easier and faster, and it does a great job.
But I have a lot of 'muscle-memory' (actually, cerebellum-memory but let's not be pedantic) invested in Cubase, and I would like my keyboard shorcuts in Live to match those in Cubase.
Now, I always thought this was possible on a Mac, but I'm not having any luck. I thought it was done throught the Accessibilty part of System Preferences, however this won't let me assign alpha keys on their own to a function, there must be a modifier key held down as well. (On Cubase, using the f, g and h keys I can very quickly follow an audio file, zoom in, edit, then zoom out and follow again, all without using the dreaded mouse).
Ableton does allow you to customise both Key and Midi control for whatever you can see on the screens (both Arrangement view and Session view) but this does not apply to the drop-down menus.Ableton live 10 key commands windows 10
Any suggestions?Ableton Live 10 Key Commands

Key Commands In Ableton Live 10

Ableton Live 10 Free Download

(I'm on El Cap)